
My Favorite International Drinks Exploring Global Flavors

Mojito – Cuba 

A mojito is a perfect combination of lime and mint! On a warm night, a mojito is my go-to beverage. This drink is good, whether you are dining al fresco by the beach or grabbing a quick drink before heading to dinner. 

Irish Coffee – Ireland 

There’s nothing like a good an Irish Coffee to start a Saturday morning. This sweet and spicy take on coffee, with or without the whiskey, is excellent on a chilly morning. Whether you go to Ireland or drop into one of my favorite breakfast spots in San Francisco, this drink is sure to get your day started with a bang. 

Sangria – Spain 

When my favorite red wine just won’t cut it anymore, a sangria is in order. I love the deep spicy undertones in authentic Spanish sangria balanced perfectly with sweet fresh fruit. 

Piña Colada – Puerto Rico 

Is a Piña Colada, in fact, not the best beachside cocktail? I think so, but don’t take my word for it! This creamy, cold, coconut cocktails while you’re sitting poolside soaking up rays in Puerto Rico. 

Kir Royale – France 

Whenever I am missing my favorite city, I love to make a Kir Royale. My version is a twist on the typical Kir because I use champagne instead of white wine. If I feel fancy, I will top the drink off with some fresh raspberries; it’s the perfect way to recharge after a long day.